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About AiiDA Database
AiiDA provides all users in the world a quick and clear overview of all ecotoxicity data available substance per substances and a detailed calculation of the main risk and impact indicators that are commonly used in the regulation. AiiDA –acronym of “Aquatic Impact indicator database”- is now available, and presents most of the ecotoxicity data available in an easy to use format.
Dr J. Payet, Editor of the Aiida Database.
Dr J. Payet, Editor of the Aiida Database
13.800 HC5 and 15.000 HC50 with 95% confidence interval
38.000 PNEC with assesment factor
All Tests Sources and Documentations Traceable
AiiDA was constructed by using published ecotoxicity data including the references from the following databases
Access to all Substances Descriptions
(for 22 000 molecules)
Searching for substances according their use or their properties
Select and Compare Substances
Select and Compare up to 5 substances
Cross-case Comparison
Positionning Relative Toxicity of a Group of Substances
Rapid toxicity monitoring and overview
Presenting relative toxicity of substances or group of substances among all reported substances