Substances Database
Species Database
Sources Database
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Access to all figures and interactive representations
13 800 HC5 with 95% confidence interval
38 000 PNEC with assesment factor
27 500 SSD and PSD interactive representations
Select and compare up to five substances
Positionning relative toxicity of group of substances
HC50 uncertainties (95% confidence interval)
HC50p per phyla uncertainties
EC50s per species uncertainties
Detailed and linked Sources of each tests
Substances description for 22 800 substances
230 000 synonyms
Physial and chemical constants
3D representation of substances
503 210 tests on 8432 species and 35 phyla
HC50 for 16 634 substances
HC50p per phyla for each substances
EC50s per species for each substances
Basic source and documentation of each tests
Advanced search GUI
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Access to all figures and interactive representations
13 800 HC5 with 95% confidence interval
38 000 PNEC with assesment factor
27 500 SSD and PSD interactive representations
Select and compare up to five substances
Positionning relative toxicity of group of substances
HC50 uncertainties (95% confidence interval)
HC50p per phyla uncertainties
EC50s per species uncertainties
Detailed and linked Sources of each tests
Substances description for 22 800 substances
230 000 synonyms
Physial and chemical constants
3D representation of substances
503 210 tests on 8432 species and 35 phyla
HC50 for 16 634 substances
HC50p per phyla for each substances
EC50s per species for each substances
Basic source and documentation of each tests
Advanced search GUI